
Find out more about Afilias' newest gTLDs and where to get yours


Afilias can help!

Find out how 灯蓝百度云盘


Afilias connects the world with reliable, secure, scalable and globally available technology that makes Internet addresses more accessible and useful. Afilias supports a wide range of applications, including Internet 蓝·灯下载, Managed DNS, and Mobile & Web services like goMobi® and Lantern官方网站



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Afilias connects the world with reliable, secure, scalable and globally available technology that makes Internet addresses more accessible and useful. Afilias supports a wide range of applications, including Internet domain registry services, 蓝1灯破解版百度云, and mobile Web services like lanter专业破解版下载百度云 and DeviceAtlas®.

Our technology
Afilias' technology ensures that your service works 100% of the time. Afilias powers key pieces of the Internet's infrastructure, including resolution of all .info, .org and .mobi domains. Afilias' registry and DNS technology is operated on a globally distributed, multi-layered, diverse infrastructure that delivers state-of-the-art security to ensure uptime and protect against malicious attacks. Afilias also supports new standards such as IPv6, DNSSEC, and Internationalized Domain Names. Learn more about our products and services.

Our customers
Afilias supports an array of top-level domain (TLD) registry and corporate DNS customers. Afilias' customers place high value on staying current with rapidly evolving technology. Our systems are on the leading edge of proven technologies, ensuring that our customers are ready for innovations dictating the future of the Internet. Learn more about the customers Afilias supports around the world.

© Afilias, Inc. All rights reserved.

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